That is the question

Neressa promised to teach me everything to not do when beekeeping. Sounded good enough to me.

She had some neglected boxes and we went to check them out. There are about 30 scattered around the farm, so we put on the suits and got to work.

Some boxes were over-crowded, so we added a second story, rearranged some things and added some food.

Some of the boxes had ant problems, so we took care of that the best we could – and painted the legs of the stands with oil to keep them from coming back.

One of her tables was falling apart and sliding down the hill, so we installed a new table and moved 5 boxes. This seems to be one of the best ways to piss off bees – move their house. Key here is plugging the door before you move the box and then get away quickly after setting it down and pulling the plug.

There were a few swarms on the trees – probably fleeing from the overcrowding problem – so we had to go move those guys and put them in their own box.

Of course, we had to collect some honey to bring back to the kids too.

All in a day’s work.

4 thoughts on “That is the question

  • November 28, 2011 at 2:05 PM

    this is the return, of the space cowboy!


  • November 28, 2011 at 2:07 PM

    you look like an astronaut!… like jamiroquai say “this is the return of the space cowboy”


  • November 28, 2011 at 10:31 PM

    classic shot of jason!

  • December 1, 2011 at 1:06 PM

    hey jason any reason they are only using a single brood box? I use 2 here and in the spring I switch them around, top to bottom and bottom to top about every 2 weeks, I also remove any queen cells I find at this time. The flipping make the bees keep busy trying to make the brood area round again . I then add supers for the honey storage

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