Gunga Bunga

We’ve done a pretty good job of keeping things rolling lately. Haven’t been hung up anywhere too long. There’s a growing list of bus projects that need to be addressed, so we’ll find a good place to stop for a while at some point in the near future.

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Again, we packed up and cruised along the coast, making a few choice stops along the way. This section of coast is pretty rural and it’s easy to just turn of the road and have the sand to yourself. Making lunch on your own stretch of beach is probably better than making lunch just about anywhere else.

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The big stop on the itinerary was Praia Do Gunga, near Barra de São Miguel. This is one of those ‘Top 10’ beaches.

The good news is that it’s not an over-developed pile of condos. The bad news is that there are 1000 other people there, dumping trash everywhere. It’s still a good beach – not ruined… yet. Just crowded and overused.  We still managed to enjoy an afternoon under an umbrella.

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Boondocking here seemed pretty doable, but the heat meant that we would have to leave everything open all night. Probably not a great idea without a bit more solitude. So, we headed to Praia Do Francês and found the Trilha do Mar surf camp. Sérgio is a cool guy.

We had just enough time to watch the moon rise, play some coco futbol and hunt sand crabs on the beach.

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2 thoughts on “Gunga Bunga

  • April 9, 2013 at 8:14 AM

    Guys-have you been, or are you going to Maranhao? The terrific Brazilian film House of Sand was filmed there (a national park). See it for me.

  • April 10, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    Kay – we haven’t been to Maranhao yet, but hope to be there in about a month. Come visit?

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