The Trouble Maker

We successfully outran the ash falling around Lago Ranco when we made it to the town of Entre Lagos on Lake Puyehue. It was a beautiful day, and we had excellent views of the smoke and ash spewing out the top of Volcan Puyehue on the other side of the lake. this is the volcano that has been causing so much grief in this part of the world. As long as the wind is blowing away from us, all is good.

The town was cute and the city beach came complete with a huge rocket slide and rowboats for hire. And oddly, after seeing hardly any fruits and vegetables that looked edible for the last few towns, the small store here had everything…even corn (haven’t seen that in about 6 months). Our campsite, right on the lake shore was excellent, so we decided to kick it here for a few days.

But, another shift of the wind during the night, and the next day was a complete haze of ash. You couldn’t see across the lake and our mouths felt like someone had thrown dirt in them.  We spent most of our second day watching movies in the bus. Even a quick walk to the store left me out of breath. Business as usual, I suppose, but time for us to keep moving.



2 thoughts on “The Trouble Maker

  • January 12, 2012 at 2:06 PM

    i’m pretty sure that the picture of bode walking up the teeter totter is the reason why teeter totters were outlawed in the US of A.

  • January 12, 2012 at 9:47 PM

    Now that is a slide!

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