
Mario from the Ecuakombi Club offered to give us tour around Quito, so again, we just could not refuse. Bode and Mario’s son Benjamin hit it off quickly and we set out to go see some of Quito’s loftier sights.

Of course, this required navigating Quito’s labyrinth of streets and climbing lots of hills. The bus barely made it up a few of them. We kept our finger’s crossed the whole time.

Another great trip with some super-friendly VW club people. We continue to be really grateful for so many wonderful folks in our VW famalia for helping us and making us feel at home in their country. I just couldn’t imagine what this trip would be like if we were driving any other vehicle.

2 thoughts on “Vamos!

  • January 13, 2011 at 7:45 AM

    Looks like you got that second solar panel installed. Good job!

  • January 13, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    Fantastic photos, yet again. I love how easily children ‘hit it off’! 😀 Have fun.

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